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  • 低压电力电容器

  • 有源滤波器

    Why can't all capacitor banks compensatin

  • 多功能仪表

    continuing in its constant innovative spirit

  • CVM-C10

    The CVM-C10 is a pow

  • 滤波电抗器

    has a standard range of rejection reactors p = 7 %, with a res
  • CVM-NET4+

    Current situation

    The current market

  • WiBeee

    An efficiency expert always with you

  • EC-A

    No need for auxiliary power supply, only the CEC 96 type.
  • DC B

    Fully programmable: scale, transformer ratio, etc.
  • M
  • CVM-B150 & CVM-B100

    High-end power analyzers, versatile and expandable, with 4-qua
  • CVMk2

    Three-phase power analyzer (balanced and unbalanced) fo

  • CVM-C5

    The CVM-C5 is a multifun

  • 联系我们

    BaoGang Road, No.263(510240)
    HaiZhu District (GuangZhou) CHINA
    Tel: (+86) 020-84395068
    Fax: (+86) 020-84390828


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